Uber CEO Travis Kalanick on Thursday resigned from President Trump's business advisory council amid fierce blowback against the president's recent executive order on immigration, and in the wake of reports that several major Silicon Valley firms, including Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Google, have been circulating a draft letter opposing Trump's action.
Kalanick said he no longer would participate in the council after
consumers railed against Uber for continuing to operate at John F.
Kennedy International Airport over the weekend. The Taxi Workers
Alliance in New York had gone on strike, refusing to pick up fares at
the airport, to protest Trump's executive order on refugee resettlement
and travel from seven predominantly Muslim nations.
"Earlier today I spoke briefly with the President about the
immigration executive order and its issues for our community," Kalanick
wrote in a memo to employees. "I also let him know that I would not be
able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not
meant to be an endorsement of the President or his agenda, but
unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that."
In the memo, Kalanick said he was proud to work with Thuan Pham,
Uber's CTO, and Emil Michael, the company's senior vice president of
business, both of whom are refugees who "came here to build a better
life for themselves."

Policy Backlash
A number of major tech players have been contemplating the publication
of an open letter protesting not only Trump's so-called Muslim ban, but
also other proposed changes that they fear could damage their companies'
ability to conduct business around the world, according to published
The draft letter, first reported by ReCode and Bloomberg News, calls
on the Trump administration to reconsider several key policies in
addition to the halt in refugee resettlement into the U.S.
The letter also urges the administration to reconsider its policies
with regard to Dreamers -- that is, children of illegal immigrants who
face deportation and the breakup of their families, a group that
President Obama wanted to protect.
The Silicon Valley leaders' concerns go to the heart of the ability
of their firms to recruit staff and conduct business. Many of their top
executives, as well as professional programmers and engineers, have been
recruited from Asia, the Middle East, and other parts of the world that
are impacted directly by the Trump administration's recent
and proposed executive orders.
Thousands of Silicon Valley professionals work under H-1B visas that
allow highly skilled foreigners to remain in the U.S. as long as they
continue to work for the companies that recruited them.
After Trump signed the immigration ban, it was not only foreigners
attempting to reach the U.S. for the first time who were impacted. Visa
holders who were traveling overseas on business also were caught up in
the chaos.
Key Contributors
Immigrants are twice as likely as native-born Americans to start new
businesses, said Arnobio Morelix, senior research analyst and program
officer in research and policy at the
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
More than half of the billion-dollar startups in the U.S. were
launched by immigrants, and 70 percent of those unicorn companies have
immigrants as key members of their management or product development
teams, he told the Press.
More than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were launched by
immigrants and their children, and Silicon Valley is the metro area with
the most immigrant entrepreneurs in the country, the foundation's data
shows. Immigrants account for 41.9 percent of entrepreneurs in the San
Jose metro area.
It's unlikely that the Trump administration will back down on the
immigration issue, despite the concerns raised by the technology
industry in the draft letter that's been circulating, according to Rob
Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group.
"I doubt it," he told the Press, as "the president is pretty set on his plan, and it was a key campaign promise."
It such an open letter were published, it might upset Trump to the
point where he would rescind his pledge to help the technology industry
by cutting back on government regulations, Enderle feared.
Secondary Strategy
It's doubtful the letter tech leaders reportedly are signing would have
any effect on the president's opinion or his executive order, suggested
Charles Kind, principal analyst at Pund-IT.
"In the first two weeks of his administration, Trump has shown
himself to be willful, combative and quick to take offense -- none of
which are qualities one associates with a desire to seek compromise," he
told the press.
That said, "simply writing the letter could be as important for tech
companies as finding a way to get through to the administration," King
"The fact is that the impact of the executive order on Silicon
Valley's employment of foreign-born engineers is just one of the
elements in play here. More important will be the effect that Trump's
unilateral actions and 'America first' intentions have on foreign
markets, many of which are crucial to the current and future health of
U.S. tech companies," he explained.
"If Mr. Trump sparks crises," said King, "including trade wars with
formerly friendly allies -- and it seems likely that he will -- the
immigration letter signers' willingness to confront the president could
help them maintain their good standing with trusted partners and
customers who are otherwise threatened by the administration's
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